Re: More on Palestine
Mon, 15 Oct 2001 14:16:41 GMT
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In, Kirby Warden writes:
> We could have sat WWII out. I've read that this was the intention of our
> President.
> While Hitler was trying to produce a master race, while Japan was swarming
> the orient,
---> while Turkey was getting ready to move into Africa (was Spain
> involved in that plan?), America was just sitting back enjoying our safety
> and freedom.
I really wondered where you get this info from.
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: More on Palestine
| (...) Me too. My impression of Turkey post WW I was more of a country struggling with internal issues and being kicked around by others, than a country that was a kicker. But this isn't my area of knowledge (23 years ago, 15-Oct-01, to
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| | Re: More on Palestine
| I really should stay out of this one, but I'm weak. I don't think that many of our wars have been against a group of people, but rather violent usurpers who somehow manage to gather dedicated supporters. If we could simply walk in and take out the (...) (23 years ago, 14-Oct-01, to
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