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 Off-Topic / Debate / 13687
13686  |  13688
Re: Israel and Palestine
Tue, 9 Oct 2001 19:24:45 GMT
513 times
In, Frank Filz writes:

Are you prepared to support complete and full reparation of all property
taken from these European Jews?

Why not? There have already been numerous lawsuits regarding post-WWII
settlements regarding property and assets of Jewish families that survived
the Holocaust. I support any efforts to bring misdoings to light and seek
justice for all victims of atrocitious acts of inhumanity.

Personally, I'd actually like to see that. I also wonder if their
concerns had been taken seriously earlier whether we would be in the
current situation with Israel.

Put it this way, if Jews want to get back what was taken from them in WWII
then the Palestinians should also be granted the right and priviledge of
returning to their lands and homes. No double standards.

You complain about the raw deal given Palestinians. Look at the raw deal
Jews were given and ask these same questions replacing "Palestinians"
with Jews etc.

Yeah, but what did the Palestinians do to those Jews to deserve being kicked
off their land? There's no justice, no mandate from heaven, just clearcut
colonialism. If we are going to play the "replace-this-with-this" game, then
you can easily replace Nazi with Zionist. And that's not as far fetched as
you may think since both have the same root in Heigel political philosphies
of nationalist socialism.

Unfortunately, I think too much time has passed to revert

What are you referring to? Do you mean the Palestinians regarding Israel? If
so, that's a crock. The Palestinians are still around and still greatly
outnumber the Israelis by the millions.

Right now, I see a lot more willingness on Israel's part to work towards
a solution

I'm not sure how anyone could honestly think that when Sharon advocates more
and more new settlements and increased immigration (mostly of Russian Jews)
to Israel. How can there be peace amidst an ongoing invasion and occupation?
More willingness on Israel's part? No way.

(though perhaps not enough), of course I think the spread of
all individuals willingness overlaps so some Palestinians are more
willing than some Israelis.


Simple question: Do millions of Palestinians have a right to return to their
homes or property and to live in their homeland?


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Israel and Palestine
(...) Are you prepared to support complete and full reparation of all property taken from these European Jews? Personally, I'd actually like to see that. I also wonder if their concerns had been taken seriously earlier whether we would be in the (...) (23 years ago, 9-Oct-01, to

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