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 Off-Topic / Debate / 11951
11950  |  11952
Re: National vote on handguns?
Sat, 21 Jul 2001 03:46:05 GMT
519 times
America is *NOT* a democracy, it's a republic. Laws are not made by "mob rule".


In, Daniel Jassim writes:
It's too complicated to follow all the posts about handguns and automatic
weapons, so I'll throw the following idea into the wind. Since America IS a
democracy and every individual has an opinion on handguns and automatic
weapons, why not put it to a national vote? This IS the land of one man, one
vote after all (or one woman, one vote as well).

The right to bear arms, as described in our Constitution, was created at a
point in history when the only personal firearm was a muzzle loader (musket
or rather large pistol). Therefore, since times and technology have changed,
I say the right should remain but be narrowed to exclude handguns and
automatic weapons for the simple reason (and fact) of their common use in
thousands upon thousands of crimes, injuries and killings annually in our

If it's such an important right and individual freedom in our country, all
registered American voters deserve the chance to decide their fate as
individuals and as a society. This is about people living and dying, often
needlessly, clinging to a believe that deserves serious reconsideration for
everyone's well being. I say put it to a national vote and let the people
decide, not the politicians and especially not the lobbyists. Let democracy
prevail on this matter, as it once did over 200 years ago.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: National vote on handguns?
(...) Yes, we are a representative-democracy (re-public). But we elect our mayors, governors, congressmen, and presidents by casting our individual votes. In a presidential election each state carries a number of electoral votes consistent with the (...) (24 years ago, 21-Jul-01, to
  Re: National vote on handguns?
Hi jt!!! (...) And thank goodness for that! I think the process I suggested of proposing an amendment using the mechanisms in place is a better one (and more likely, BY DEFINITION, to survive a constitutional challenge). Daniel, I'm curious why you (...) (24 years ago, 22-Jul-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  National vote on handguns?
It's too complicated to follow all the posts about handguns and automatic weapons, so I'll throw the following idea into the wind. Since America IS a democracy and every individual has an opinion on handguns and automatic weapons, why not put it to (...) (24 years ago, 21-Jul-01, to

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