Re: National vote on handguns?
Sat, 21 Jul 2001 03:46:05 GMT
519 times
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America is *NOT* a democracy, it's a republic. Laws are not made by "mob rule".
In, Daniel Jassim writes:
> It's too complicated to follow all the posts about handguns and automatic
> weapons, so I'll throw the following idea into the wind. Since America IS a
> democracy and every individual has an opinion on handguns and automatic
> weapons, why not put it to a national vote? This IS the land of one man, one
> vote after all (or one woman, one vote as well).
> The right to bear arms, as described in our Constitution, was created at a
> point in history when the only personal firearm was a muzzle loader (musket
> or rather large pistol). Therefore, since times and technology have changed,
> I say the right should remain but be narrowed to exclude handguns and
> automatic weapons for the simple reason (and fact) of their common use in
> thousands upon thousands of crimes, injuries and killings annually in our
> country.
> If it's such an important right and individual freedom in our country, all
> registered American voters deserve the chance to decide their fate as
> individuals and as a society. This is about people living and dying, often
> needlessly, clinging to a believe that deserves serious reconsideration for
> everyone's well being. I say put it to a national vote and let the people
> decide, not the politicians and especially not the lobbyists. Let democracy
> prevail on this matter, as it once did over 200 years ago.
> Dan
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: National vote on handguns?
| (...) Yes, we are a representative-democracy (re-public). But we elect our mayors, governors, congressmen, and presidents by casting our individual votes. In a presidential election each state carries a number of electoral votes consistent with the (...) (24 years ago, 21-Jul-01, to
|  | | Re: National vote on handguns?
| Hi jt!!! (...) And thank goodness for that! I think the process I suggested of proposing an amendment using the mechanisms in place is a better one (and more likely, BY DEFINITION, to survive a constitutional challenge). Daniel, I'm curious why you (...) (24 years ago, 22-Jul-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | National vote on handguns?
| It's too complicated to follow all the posts about handguns and automatic weapons, so I'll throw the following idea into the wind. Since America IS a democracy and every individual has an opinion on handguns and automatic weapons, why not put it to (...) (24 years ago, 21-Jul-01, to
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