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 Off-Topic / Debate / 10928
10927  |  10929
Re: Sanctions (was: Libertarian Propaganda)
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 19:08:16 GMT
894 times
In, Daniel Jassim writes:
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:

How do you determine the fair price? That's a serious question, you speak of
fair trade (which tends to be a code word here in the US for unfree trade),
but how do you know what is fair? Who (or what mechanism) determines it?

Once again, here's another one of your little challenges, Larry. You don't
say whether you agree or not, you just throw out some more bullsh*t
questions to fish for another fight.

I think you have some issues here you need to deal with. Everything is
challenges, fighting, giving inches, not being wrong. No inclusivness, no
common ground, no exploration of issues. Your idea of agreeing is that
everyone you talk to agree you are correct about everything.

If you DON'T AGREE that there are
ethics in business and pricing, THEN I'll be happy to elaborate on "fair
pricing." If you DO AGREE that their is such thing as ethics in business and
fair pricing, then what is there to debate? Are we going to debate whose
view on a point we agree on is more correct?

OK, Dan. I do agree that there are ethics in business. I can't agree on
whether there are ethics in pricing since I don't know what you mean by fair
pricing or fair trade.

Do I have to say that there are *no* ethics in order for you to tell me what
fair pricing is??? That's what you seem to be saying. Not very clear.

Tell you what, I'll even give you a leg up.

To my mind running an ethical business means making agreements in good faith
and adhering to them, being honest in all your dealings with your
stockholders, giving fair measure and good service to your customers and
treating those you buy from in an honest manner as well.

To my mind fair pricing means pricing things at what the market will bear
(the market clearing price). No more and no less. To price less is to be
unfair to your stockholders because you give up revenue you could have had,
as well as to those who wish to buy but were unable to because you had to
allocate rather than market clear. To price more is unfair to your
stockholders, because you give up revenue you could hvae had, as well as
unfair to those who wish to buy who are willing to pay the market clearing
price but no more.

If America wants to trade with
China, make sure there's no profiting from the child labor. If we don't want
OUR kids to be working 12 hours in factories, we should not contribute to it

What are the alternatives to children working long hours in factories? Put
it another way... do you support the notion of a "living wage" here in the
US? Why or why not?

I'm not going not taking the bait this time. Once again, no straight forward
agreement or disagreement on your part, just more challenges. If you AGREE
that children should NOT labor in factories (nor should America profit from
such labor) then what is there to debate? If you think child labor is okay,
I have nothing more to say on the matter and don't bother trying to convince
me otherwise.

You haven't enumerated the alternatives. Child labor may be OK or not OK, it
depends on the circumstances. But skip the child labor bit, let's talk about
US "living wage" standards. Do you favor or oppose? I'm libertarian. My
stance is derivable.

Here's a hint. My father worked for less than minimum wage at one point and
was darn glad to be ("illegally") employed.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Sanctions (was: Libertarian Propaganda)
(...) Pardon me, but are you describing me or YOU here?! I think you're a bit confused, you just described several aspects of your on-line self in that paragraph. Get a grip on reality, my friend, and realize that you mostly stir up trouble here and (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jun-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Sanctions (was: Libertarian Propaganda)
(...) Once again, here's another one of your little challenges, Larry. You don't say whether you agree or not, you just throw out some more bullsh*t questions to fish for another fight. If you DON'T AGREE that there are ethics in business and (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jun-01, to

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