Re: Libertarian SPAM (Propaganda)
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 15:55:05 GMT
1003 times
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In, Bruce Schlickbernd writes:
> But in the sense that you meant it, precious few. I have noted several
> times (and specifically within this string) that the overwhelming majority
> of Libertarians are white males - I have met several hundred people who have
> identified themselves as Libertarians and they have been 100% white males,
> though there are undoubtedly some that are not. When you consider the vast
> diversity of ethnicity in SoCal, that's a telling statement.
Was the message of the SCLC less valid because SCLC members were mostly black?
Was the message of AIM less valid because AIM was mostly native american?
I resent the implication that groups need to be "ethnically balanced" to
have valid messages.
The participants in this newsgroup are more white and more male than the
norm too. So what? THAT is why I answered Scott the way I did, to highlight
the inherent meaninglessness of the question.
Message has 4 Replies:  | | Re: Libertarian SPAM (Propaganda)
| (...) Ok, what is SCLC or AIM? (...) How do you know that we are more white - you only assume (as I do). That is not really the question (LUGNET does not attempt to represent the views of society). The question is : Why is the LP so "white"? Scott A (...) (24 years ago, 14-Jun-01, to
|  | | Re: Libertarian SPAM (Propaganda)
| (...) Since I share Bruce's misgivings on this subject, I'll mention a few thoughts, too. The validity or invalidity of the LP's views is, of course, wholly independent of the racial, cultural, age, or gender makeup of the party, but that's not what (...) (24 years ago, 14-Jun-01, to
|  | | Re: Libertarian SPAM (Propaganda)
| (...) South Coast Liesure Club? Sunny California Libertarian Clique? Advanced Ideas Mechanics? Accuracy in Media? Asian Internet Marketing? I don't speak initial. Well, solved the second with my Apache buddy literally walking by as I was typing (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jun-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Libertarian SPAM (Propaganda)
| (...) Yes and no. "Coloured" (sic: colored <g>) is a really poor term that isn't particularly used in America. It carries the implication that europeans are "normal" and others are not. In the sense Larry meant it, I agree. But in the sense that you (...) (24 years ago, 14-Jun-01, to
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