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 Off-Topic / Debate / 10756
  Re: Virtues of Veganism?
(...) I don't know the conspiracy side of it at all, but it make head head feel like an over ripe walnut waiting to explode. I just can't drink diet bevs, etc. Mostly I drink water and whole juices, so it's not really problem, but I do occasionally (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jun-01, to
  Re: Virtues of Veganism?
(...) I mostly drink water and juice (and root beer). I can drink a coke every so often, but pepsi makes me sick.I don't know why. My mother was a diet coke drinker/diet food consumer until just a few years ago when she started to get severe migrine (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jun-01, to

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