Re: Rolling Blackouts
Fri, 18 May 2001 15:14:33 GMT
1078 times
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In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> In, Scott Arthur writes:
> > In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> > > In, Scott Arthur writes:
> > >
> > > > As the text I quoted states, the market can not be trusted to look after the
> > > > environment. Are you really saying you think it can?
> >
> > >
> > > The text you quoted *claims* it cannot. It is an assertion by that author,
> > > not a fact, that it is impossible to do so.
> >
> > Did I say it was as fact?
> Yes.
You had a 50:50 chance of getting it right - you failed.
> Let us review the difference between "states" and "asserts". Had you said
> "As the text I quoted asserts", you would be acknowledging that the author
> believed it to be true but not saying you felt it was fact yourself.
> However, you said "As the text I quoted states", which means you are
> accepting the claims the author makes as factual.
> Critical thinkers understand this distinction. Perhaps, in your personal
> growth path, someday you will too.
Buy a dictionary : state - "to express, esp. clearly and carefully"
"Critical thinkers" can justify their position. I asked you to TWICE in my last
post. You failed each time.
> > But before you do, take a look at how one of your fellow libertarians messed
> > up her state's Environment:
> >
> Thanks for the cite. I take everything that the Village Voice asserts with a
> grain (or more) of salt. In this case, a dump truck load.
A true critical thinker. Even a stopped clock is correct twice in one day. Are
you saying they are lying?
> Now, let's try to stay on topic. I have an open mind about this. I am not
> sure that the conventional prescription of ownership works for migratory
> animals.
I'm not sure if it (ownership) "works" for any sort of wild animals. I am sure
it does not work for humans... not very lbertaian I know.
> Hence my interest in exploring this.
You can start by justify the comments you made in the your last post on this.
Come on Larry, show me *your* critical thinking.
> If you don't want to bring an
> open mind and work through examples, your time would be better spent
> elsewhere.
I know myself to be very open minded. However, I am open to ideas - not dogma.
Scott A
> D-Lar
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 | | Re: Rolling Blackouts
| (...) Yes. Let us review the difference between "states" and "asserts". Had you said "As the text I quoted asserts", you would be acknowledging that the author believed it to be true but not saying you felt it was fact yourself. However, you said (...) (24 years ago, 18-May-01, to
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