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Re: Brick Century Military
Tue, 7 Dec 2004 15:47:09 GMT
2112 times
In, Isaac Yue wrote:
   Brickcentury is the same as Shifty Bricks (actually, you can tell this from the pictures). I believe they have either renamed their military line to this, or they are planning to rename the company itself. Some of the newer military sets that are coming out now bear this logo on the box; and yes, they are compatible with Lego although the quality still gets beaten by Megabloks by quite a margin.

Red Bean

Without seeing them in person I can’t do more than speculate, but it looks to me as if the wheels on the tank are remarkably similar to those used by MegaBloks for years in a number of sets, beginning with the 9707 Combat Tank in 1999. The design seems to be similar to the Oxford 15000 tank as well.

This is interesting to me because, if I’m correct, then this represents a clone cloning clones, an unusual move that seems to unite LEGO and its legitimate competitors in a way we haven’t seen before.

Isaac and Ed: Can either of you compare the “Brick” wheels to the MegaBloks wheels to determine if these are indeed as similar as they appear?

Thanks to both of you for the info in any case.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Brick Century Military
(...) I don't have any Megblocks and only one of the John Deere Ertle/ Best Block sets. No comparison to Shifty. Shifty is Lego as far as the bricks are concerned. The axles and wheels are the weak link, not Lego at all. Look up the 1999 / 2000 Hong (...) (20 years ago, 8-Dec-04, to, FTX)

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  Re: Brick Century Military
Brickcentury is the same as Shifty Bricks (actually, you can tell this from the pictures). I believe they have either renamed their military line to this, or they are planning to rename the company itself. Some of the newer military sets that are (...) (20 years ago, 7-Dec-04, to, FTX)

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