| | Re: Best Lock Adverstising
(...) Clever ads but even if they gave it away I'm not sure what I'd use it for at the current quality level. (25 years ago, 28-Dec-99, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands)
 | | Re: Best Lock Adverstising
(...) It is a neat ad. Hey, I got an idea! How about TLC (TLG, LG, LC) buys them out secretly, gets the quality up to LEGO standards, and then sells it! Ha, then they can hold up that weird no weapons thing and still make weapons! :) Scott S. (...) (25 years ago, 28-Dec-99, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands)
 | | Re: Best Lock Adverstising
(...) Speaking as someone generally favorably disposed to clones, even I have to agree that Best-Lock leaves a lot to be desired. I don't find it to be as awful as some have asserted, but anyone who dislikes MegaBloks, for instance, will despise (...) (25 years ago, 28-Dec-99, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands)
 | | Re: Best Lock Adverstising
Dave Schuler wrote in message ... (...) to (...) instance, (...) are (...) Anybody have any Best Lock instructions they can scan in? Some of the sets look quite nice. (25 years ago, 31-Dec-99, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands)
 | | Best Lock instruction scans (Re: Best Lock Adverstising
(...) Have they been out long enough to be out of production on some of the sets already? Seems to me (and I ain't speaking for anyone else, just myself here, you have to decide for yourself what is right, no matter how clear cut it seems to me) (...) (25 years ago, 31-Dec-99, to lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, lugnet.off-topic.debate)
 | | Re: Best Lock instruction scans (Re: Best Lock Adverstising
(...) Despite our Bicentennial Man issues 8^), I agree with you here 100%. I'm pretty sure that all the Best-Lock sets available to date are still available, if not still in production, so it probably isn't cool to scan the instructions yet. What (...) (25 years ago, 31-Dec-99, to lugnet.off-topic.debate)
 | | Re: Best Lock instruction scans (Re: Best Lock Adverstising
Larry Pieniazek wrote in message <386C3EE6.E1AEFDDE@v...er.net>... (...) sets (...) As you may or may not know, I don't concern myself with copyright issues. I'd just like to see Best Lock (or Megablocks or Tyco) instruction scans if anyone has (...) (25 years ago, 3-Jan-00, to lugnet.off-topic.debate)