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  Re: Taking shortcuts
(...) Was it a digital switch or an analog? (14 years ago, 21-Jul-10, to, FTX)
  Re: LifeLites and the Galaxy Explorer
(...) The parenthetical "h" acknowledges the fact that "Jonathans" aren't real Johns, but simply nicknamey posers. :-p JOHN (14 years ago, 21-Jul-10, to, FTX)
  Re: LifeLites and the Galaxy Explorer
(...) That's a classic name Jo(h)nny B. Good!! :) I didn't mention my step bro-Jo(h)nathan.,, :) But even with him, ya got me beat... Dave K (14 years ago, 21-Jul-10, to, FTX)
  Re: Taking shortcuts
(...) You were lucky! We didn't even have skin! All we had was twine to try and keep our entrails in! And they would leak out all over, and parents would beat us to death each night for mussing up the floor! JOHN (14 years ago, 21-Jul-10, to, FTX)
  Re: Taking shortcuts
(...) Rocks! Wow you must have been one of the rich kids that I heard about when growing up. We would have killed to have rocks for doing our computations. Our parents would hit us with a switch and use our backsides for doing their fancy adding and (...) (14 years ago, 21-Jul-10, to, FTX)

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