| | Re: Taking shortcuts
| (...) My third computer had two floppy disk drives holding 113.75KB of data each. This was in 1979. Each drive cost $600. (14 years ago, 21-Jul-10, to lugnet.off-topic.geek)
| | | | Re: Taking shortcuts
| In lugnet.off-topic.geek, Larry Pieniazek (...) Well, when I was young, we didn't have fancy-schmancy comPUters. We had to use rocks for all of our computations. And it took all day to collect enough rocks to multiply 12x12 and our hands would get (...) (14 years ago, 21-Jul-10, to lugnet.off-topic.geek, FTX)
| | | | Re: LifeLites and the Galaxy Explorer
| (...) I'll call with a Grampa John, my kids have 3 uncle Johns, and MY best man was a Jo(h)n. Come to think of it, I'll raise you with this: my best man's full name is Jonathan Bryant Good;-) JOHN (14 years ago, 20-Jul-10, to lugnet.off-topic.fun, FTX)
| | | | Re: Taking shortcuts
| (...) Ooooh - this can be a fun game. :-) One of my first (sorry, don't remember the order of them) was a computer I built myself. I ordered the 3-chip set from Intel (8080, the clock chip and the buffer chip), then used a bunch of SRAMS (no way (...) (14 years ago, 20-Jul-10, to lugnet.off-topic.geek)
| | | | Re: LifeLites and the Galaxy Explorer
| (...) Around these parts (central Alberta), "Chris" has been the common name for computer geeks. Once, when I worked on campus, I kicked one person out of my office, and grabbed another walking by in the hall, to have 4 computer "Chris's" in my (...) (14 years ago, 20-Jul-10, to lugnet.off-topic.fun)
| | | | Re: Taking shortcuts
| (...) Oh, we're playing "first PC", eh? My first PC had *no* floppies, just a cassette, until I added a floppy at horrendous expense. 80K capacity each... Foolishly, I bought 2. For the longest time, whatever year it was, a pretty good PC seemed to (...) (14 years ago, 20-Jul-10, to lugnet.off-topic.geek)
| | | | Re: LifeLites and the Galaxy Explorer
| (...) I have 2 uncle Johns, a brother-in-law John, a cousin named John...best friend John (best man at my wedding)... Not one John at work, tho--that's a little odd... Dave K (14 years ago, 20-Jul-10, to lugnet.off-topic.fun, FTX)
| | | | Re: LifeLites and the Galaxy Explorer
| (...) Speaking on behalf of all Johns, I gladly pass on the ubiquitous name title to y'all Daves, Geoff;-) JOHN (14 years ago, 20-Jul-10, to lugnet.off-topic.fun, FTX)
| | | | Re: Apocryphal Blacktron (I know you've been jonesing)
| In lugnet.space, Dave Schuler wrote: snip (...) Love to see it built with real pieces! The CGI makes it look too 'clean' :) As a guy who used to play MW lots 'n lots, I'd like to take a run around in this suit... Dave K (14 years ago, 20-Jul-10, to lugnet.space, lugnet.off-topic.clone-brands, FTX)
| | | | Re: LifeLites and the Galaxy Explorer
| (...) On a somewhat related note... At my office, out of 90 people, 8 are named Dave. Single most popular name here. At one point, there were 3 Daves in the IT department--half the department... Eh, what are you gonna do? Dave K (who might start (...) (14 years ago, 20-Jul-10, to lugnet.off-topic.fun, FTX)
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