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 Off-Topic / *54665 (-5)
  Re: Do you think there are too many Lego® groups on Flickr?
(...) I wasn't sure that anybody actually reads o-t.d anymore. (16 years ago, 18-Feb-09, to, FTX)
  Re: Do you think there are too many Lego® groups on Flickr?
(...) A good question, CM Bob. There certainly seems to be a lot of them these days, some of which seem to have a narrow focus (there's even one called 'LEGO® Complaining'!). At the moment I cope with the huge number of LEGO groups by the simple (...) (16 years ago, 18-Feb-09, to, FTX)
  Re: New Mega blok Gundam
(...) This excellent news could only be made better by an announcement that these kits would be widely available outside of Asia! Though I understand that licensing issues are at work, it's maddening that such cool sets should be isolated to one (...) (16 years ago, 15-Feb-09, to, FTX)
  New Mega blok Gundam
RX-78 Gundam - 3000 yen (URL) Zeta Gundam - 5500 yen (URL) Expansion pack A - 1800 yen (URL) (16 years ago, 10-Feb-09, to,, FTX)
  Mega Brands gets rights to HALO wars
Disussion (URL) here>. A big thank you to (URL) Bloks Forum> member Eilif for the initial heads up. Dave! (16 years ago, 7-Feb-09, to, FTX)

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