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Test (16 years ago, 15-Dec-08, to
Hutlihut! (16 years ago, 11-Dec-08, to
again... (16 years ago, 11-Dec-08, to
  Re: Speed build
(...) Thats not bad at all. Thats about 1 part every 7 seconds. From memory it took 5 hours for me.... Well Done. Steve (16 years ago, 8-Dec-08, to, lugnet.technic)
  Speed build
I haven't bought any Technic sets in a while, but now I finally got the 8275 bulldozer, and I thought it might be fun to do a speed build with it. I finished it in 2h 36m, and I think that's not too bad for a first attempt... Maarten (16 years ago, 4-Dec-08, to, lugnet.technic)
  Re: The Brick Testament - The Book of Job
(...) A devastatingly brilliant member of LUGNET commented on this very subject a while back. Read his wisdom (URL) and be forever changed. Dave! (16 years ago, 27-Nov-08, to, FTX)
  Re: The Brick Testament - The Book of Job
In, Anders Franzén wrote: snippity (...) snip (...) At least 2 sources I've read claim it was a dragon. (URL) Here's one of them>. sjf (16 years ago, 26-Nov-08, to, FTX)
  Re: The Brick Testament - The Book of Job
(...) Hi! When looking into The Book of Job again (latest Swedish version from 2000) I noted that, as you correctly says, Yahweh created Behemoth, not defeated it. I have read somewhere that Behemoth is a Hippopotamus, which fits well to Yahweh's (...) (16 years ago, 25-Nov-08, to, FTX)
  Re: Opinions needed for Color and Edge Values
(...) Ahhh... The thought never entered my mind :-) Seems I'm the one that need more coffee - but not now, closing on bedtime here... Thanks for the correction and explanation! (16 years ago, 23-Nov-08, to
  Re: Opinions needed for Color and Edge Values
(...) 'Persons' can be male or female so 1 in 12 of 1 in 2 are coloublind. AKA 1 in 24 ;) Tim (16 years ago, 23-Nov-08, to lugnet.cad,

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