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 MediaWatch / 2201
    Re: Manchester's Millyard in the news —David Eaton
   (...) The best I can do is show how a person (and an ISD!) actually compares to the layout as a whole (the map isn't the most up-to-date version, but it's close enough to get the idea) (URL) 97' long and more than 23' wide. Nearly twice the (...) (18 years ago, 1-Dec-06, to lugnet.mediawatch)
        Re: Manchester's Millyard in the news —Chris Phillips
     (...) The real question on everybody's mind: how many 1x2x2 classic white windows did it take? I guess now we know why they brought those puppies back into production! (18 years ago, 1-Dec-06, to lugnet.mediawatch)
         Re: Manchester's Millyard in the news —Christopher Masi
     (...) [...] (...) How about the number of 1x4x3 white windows frames with white window inserts! (18 years ago, 2-Dec-06, to lugnet.mediawatch)
         Re: Manchester's Millyard in the news —Chris Phillips
     (...) Aw, man! Don't tell me you cheated and used BURPs??!? :) (18 years ago, 2-Dec-06, to lugnet.mediawatch)
        Re: Manchester's Millyard in the news —Larry Lesser
   How big is a minifig acre? (18 years ago, 2-Dec-06, to lugnet.mediawatch)
        Re: Manchester's Millyard in the news —Chris Phillips
   (...) Traditionally, a minifig acre is the amount of land that one minifig and one mini-ox can plow in one day. According to my experiments, a minifig acre is zero square studs. HTH! FUT: (18 years ago, 2-Dec-06, to lugnet.mediawatch,

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