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Re: Newspaper article about the AFOL community
Mon, 14 Jun 2004 18:23:51 GMT
4889 times
In lugnet.mediawatch, Rob Antonishen wrote:
In lugnet.mediawatch, Pierre Normandin wrote:,4230,0,062004,705873.shtml

An English translation (courtesy of Babblefish):

Gotta love computer translation for making things humerous...

I personally like "a[n] orgasme plastic" to describe the moment of
completeing a sculpture...and "A true orgy of Lego!"

Heh, I thought that was pretty funny too-- although if I'm not mistaken, I think
that's what was actually intended:

"Un véritable orgasme plastique, pour lequel les vrais fans du célèbre jeu de
construction sont prêts à tout."

"Une vraie orgie de Lego!"

My French is pretty rusty, but I think the translation would be something like:
"A veritable orgasm of plastic, for which true fans of the celebrated building
toy are ready"? And the 2nd quote speaks for itself :) [apparently "orgasm" is
masculine and "orgy" is feminine... innnnteresting...]


FUT ot-fun

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Newspaper article about the AFOL community
(...) An English translation (courtesy of Babblefish): (URL) Gotta love computer translation for making things humerous... I personally like "a[n] orgasme plastic" to describe the moment of completeing a sculpture...and "A true orgy of Lego!" -Rob (...) (21 years ago, 11-Jun-04, to lugnet.mediawatch,

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