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 Marketplace / Theory / 947
  So what's a b-s-t announcement? (was: Let's define what an auction announcement/update is)
OK, I don't participate in much auctions... But I was wondering about Buy-sell-trade annoucements. Is it OK to post a b-s-t announcement in the appropriate group? For example, I want to trade a Belville set but I realize the chances to find someone (...) (25 years ago, 15-Feb-00, to, lugnet.faq)
  Re: So what's a b-s-t announcement? (was: Let's define what an auction announcement/update is)
Shiri Dori wrote in message ... (...) find (...) for (...) I think we should clarify things with other types of market announcements at the same time we clarify auctions, however, this clarification falls under the nature of guidelines rather than (...) (25 years ago, 15-Feb-00, to, lugnet.faq)

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