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 Marketplace / Theory / 2709
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Re: 10152 Update
Sun, 19 Dec 2004 15:49:08 GMT
7568 times
   Doesn’t Lego have huge vaults with sets from the past that any of us would kill to get our hands on - NOW! Why are they saving so many sets? They must be collectors too!


moving thread, probably doesn’t belong in .lego. Market.theory I think should be better.

Insomuch as magazine and newspaper companies are collectors as well. They also keep one (or more) copies of their product for future reference. I believe Lego has done the same thing with their past set vault. I don’t think it exists for the purpose of collectability, revenue generation, envy generation or museam funtionality. (though visitors are occaisionally given tours it certainly isn’t common.)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 10152 Update
Hello! (...) TLC keeps their vault for their lawyers. So when, for example, MegaBloks produces a set that's tooo similiar to any LEGO set they walk into their catacombs, take the respective set and show the world: We have done this first! On this (...) (20 years ago, 19-Dec-04, to

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  Re: 10152 Update
In, Mark Neumann wrote: Snippage (...) Doesn't Lego have huge vaults with sets from the past that any of us would kill to get our hands on - NOW! Why are they saving so many sets? They must be collectors too! -Patrick (20 years ago, 19-Dec-04, to, FTX)

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