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Re: Question on Ep. 2 set releases
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 05:23:46 GMT
1192 times
I would be very surprized if the EP II stuff does NOT show up in the retail
stores, especially in time for christmas shopping.

I would expect EP 2 stuff to hit the retail shelves to coincide with the movie
release. That way any EP 2 advertising sells both the movie and the
merchandising in one hit.

However, there would be no reason not to sell it at S@H prior as people going
to S@H are presumably attracted to it primarily for being Lego, as opposed to
primarily being attracted primarily because it's EP2.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Question on Ep. 2 set releases
(...) going (...) to (...) I'm fairly certain that the movie licensing generally specifies how soon movie related products can be made available. I believe this came up with the Harry Potter sets, and it was something like not more then a month (...) (23 years ago, 15-Feb-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Question on Ep. 2 set releases
I would be very surprized if the EP II stuff does NOT show up in the retail stores, especially in time for christmas shopping. I imagine they will not show up right off the bat in order to generate demand. This is what's called "pull" marketing (...) (23 years ago, 13-Feb-02, to

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