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Re: Defeating eBay sniping?
Thu, 17 Jun 1999 21:15:29 GMT
769 times
"Christopher L. Weeks" wrote:

S&H could calculate as $7.40 * bid time discount * number of lots discount

where the BTD = 1 - (days from end^2 * .01)  and
      the NLD = 1 - (lots purchased * .01) while 60 > LP

or something.

I'm still trying to get this.  I likethe BTD, but the NLD that I state
above sucks.

I need some function that will discount the shipping as the number of
lots increases, but won't have funny humps.

I'm thinking S&H = $7.40 * BTD + (lots won * ($7.40 * BTD) / 20)

or S&H = (1 + n/20) (7.40 * BTD), where n is the number won.

I've summarized how the shipping would work at if anyone cares to look.

Are there any problems with this that I am overlooking?


Christopher L. Weeks
central Missouri, USA

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Defeating eBay sniping?
(...) Well, at this point it's moot. I'll begin the auction tomorrow and we'll see how it goes. (26 years ago, 24-Jun-99, to

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  Re: Defeating eBay sniping?
D Sorkin wrote: [snip] (...) [snip] So what does unreasonable mean? Taking Larry's suggestion, S&H (within the US) could calculate as $7.40 * bid time discount * number of lots discount where the BTD = 1 - (days from end^2 * .01) and the NLD = 1 - (...) (26 years ago, 16-Jun-99, to

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