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Re: Divers & Grey arches?
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general,
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 17:49:57 GMT
943 times
In, Eric Joslin writes:
I had no idea these existed in Grey.

Yeah, I first saw them used in a MOC sometime a few months ago and it
suprised me to no end... I had been looking around for the divers set but
couldn't find it, and I was recently reminded that I should get some (for
the AT-AT)...

Now I'll have to order some of these
sets, too, if they turn out to be right.  Let me know, Dave, if you think of
it, because I think my church would look MUCH better with these parts.

As I recall you have black ones in the church now? Looks pretty good for the
charred rock effect, but I agree, having them in grey just expands the
possibilities a lot!

I would
probably buy enough of any set to get about 8-12 of this peice.

Yeah, must be Lego's strategy. Put the valuable parts in the big sets :)
(stormtroopers, Darth vader, Princess Storm, etc.) Maybe in 2002 we can buy
these in bulk by making 10x32 half pipes for skateboarders :)


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Divers & Grey arches?
(...) Yeah, but that's the thing- it's not supposed to look charred. :D Especially not the one over the doors, which is a full window surrounded by untouched rock... Anyway, the real secret behinf the church is that I'm too lazy to sit down and (...) (24 years ago, 6-Dec-00, to, lugnet.general,
  Re: Divers & Grey arches?
I bought two copies of that set. They were on sale for 1/2 price at They still had them cheap a few weeks ago. I used those gray inverse arches in this church. You can see them on the lower-left of the 2nd picture: (URL) Eaton (...) (24 years ago, 13-Dec-00, to, lugnet.general,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Divers & Grey arches?
(...) I had no idea these existed in Grey. Now I'll have to order some of these sets, too, if they turn out to be right. Let me know, Dave, if you think of it, because I think my church would look MUCH better with these parts. I would probably buy (...) (24 years ago, 6-Dec-00, to, lugnet.general,

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