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 Marketplace / Shopping / 2610
  Re: Fred Meyer has sets for 50% off
Hope they move this sale to oregon soon. i am finding large quantities of episode 1 and egyptian adventures sets. still at full price, just waiting to be reduced and sold. david (...) (25 years ago, 4-Feb-00, to
  Re: Fred Meyer has sets for 50% off
Likewise, I hope this moves into Oregon soon. Though I hope that david and I aren't competing for the same sets... *grin* Get your hands off of those "Gungan Patrol"s! (...) (25 years ago, 4-Feb-00, to
  Re: Fred Meyer has sets for 50% off
David Phillips wrote in message ... (...) to (...) The Fred Meyer I went to didn't have any Star Wars Lego on clearance. I did notice that at one Fred Meyer they had an in store ad selling the mummy's tomb for 19.99. From past experience this sale (...) (25 years ago, 4-Feb-00, to

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