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  Re: S@H screwed up my order
Excellent, spot on advice, Allan! I left my favorite paragraph intact but snipped all the rest. (...) I agree, Customer Service of LEGO on a good day is about as good as it gets. I expect that it won't get beyond step one. What kind of upsets me (...) (22 years ago, 11-Dec-02, to
  Re: S@H screwed up my order
(...) Allan's a great writer. Thanks for the nice words Larry. I've put my foot in my mouth posting on LUGNET before, but if I didn't laugh at my own foibles, I'd loose a lot of sleep. LUGNET is my favorite site and Maggie Cambron is LUGNET's number (...) (22 years ago, 11-Dec-02, to
  Re: S@H screwed up my order
(...) Well, that explains why my virtual ears were burning today! :-) Maggie (also donning Target soccer mom riot gear-- be glad you don't live anywhere near me Jon!) (22 years ago, 12-Dec-02, to

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