In lugnet.market.shipping, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> In lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade, Julie Krenz writes:
> > Money orders are going up to .90.
> >
> > (Tip: Many Wal-marts, K-marts and many grocery stores have cheaper money
> > orders, Cub Foods by me has them for .19.)
> Yes. But those don't cash at the Post Office the way (small) PO money orders
> do. As a seller I prefer to receive PO MOs (although I like paypal
> better)... Still, the buyer's perspective may differ.
FWIW, PayPal is splitting their business rates on July 14. Up until now, PP had
two rate structures: Personal (very small volume and free) and business/premier
(larger volume and not free). PP appears to have decided to segment the
business/premier market based on how much volume you do each month. The new
rates break the fee based payment receivers into less than $1000 /mo and $1000
up /mo. I took the two fees and ran them against all the PP payments I have
received thus far to get a rough calculation of the base percentage rate (per
transaction fee and percentage expressed as a pure percentage instead).
For the less than $1000 monthly volume, the rate mentioned is $0.30 + 2.9%. The
calculated effective rate (across the payments I have receved) worked out to
For the greater than $1000 monthly volume, the rate mentioned is $0.30 + 2.25%.
The calculated effective rate (across the payments I have receved) worked out to
YMMV, but food for thought when expecting PayPal payments.
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