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PayPal rates going up July 14 (was Re: US Postal Rates go up July 1, 2001)
Sat, 30 Jun 2001 15:44:21 GMT
4521 times
In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In, Julie Krenz writes:

Money orders are going up to .90.

(Tip: Many Wal-marts, K-marts and many grocery stores have cheaper money
orders, Cub Foods by me has them for .19.)

Yes. But those don't cash at the Post Office the way (small) PO money orders
do. As a seller I prefer to receive PO MOs (although I like paypal
better)... Still, the buyer's perspective may differ.

FWIW, PayPal is splitting their business rates on July 14. Up until now, PP had
two rate structures: Personal (very small volume and free) and business/premier
(larger volume and not free). PP appears to have decided to segment the
business/premier market based on how much volume you do each month. The new
rates break the fee based payment receivers into less than $1000 /mo and $1000
up /mo. I took the two fees and ran them against all the PP payments I have
received thus far to get a rough calculation of the base percentage rate (per
transaction fee and percentage expressed as a pure percentage instead).

For the less than $1000 monthly volume, the rate mentioned is $0.30 + 2.9%. The
calculated effective rate (across the payments I have receved) worked out to

For the greater than $1000 monthly volume, the rate mentioned is $0.30 + 2.25%.
The calculated effective rate (across the payments I have receved) worked out to

YMMV, but food for thought when expecting PayPal payments.


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