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Re: Delays possible
Tue, 14 Nov 2000 11:26:15 GMT
1606 times
Larry Pieniazek wrote:

Expect some factoring and sale consummation delays...

I took a hard drive hit, I have web access via other machines only, making
it hard to do anything. New PC coming to my house wed/thu so it should be
only a brief delay (sysem won't boot but I should be able to get all the
files off)

Meanwhile please don't chuck any mail I've sent you recently or that you
sent me, I may want it back... don't resend it yet, though.

I'll followup to this when I have new news.

You *DID* do a weekly backup I hope... ?
I know what it's like, one of the reasons I bought a CD-RW unit. Sure paid
itself back multiple times already ;-)
Jan-Albert "Anvil" van Ree   |
Brickbay shop "Brick Piles"  |

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Delays possible
(...) Kinda tough when you're on the road. My last backup was the last time I was home, 3 weeks ago. Much as I'd like to take every possible useful thing with me, there isn't room in my luggage. I am not TOO worried, the drive is readable, just not (...) (24 years ago, 14-Nov-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Delays possible
Expect some factoring and sale consummation delays... I took a hard drive hit, I have web access via other machines only, making it hard to do anything. New PC coming to my house wed/thu so it should be only a brief delay (sysem won't boot but I (...) (24 years ago, 14-Nov-00, to

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