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 Marketplace / Jambalaya / 1154
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Technic Box #1 update
Sat, 26 Feb 2000 02:06:32 GMT
1024 times
Technic Box #1 is on the way to Ken Drew as of this morning.

I packaged the parts in an official LEGO S@H box, with
official LEGO S@H packing.  Given that Larry P. started
this box, it only seems fitting that LEGO purity should be
maintained.  ;-)

In general, the box was mostly what I anticipated:  a random
collection of Technic parts, and I was able to make what I
considered a fair trade.  I was, however disappointed by
finding several "defective" parts in the mix:  an 8-tooth gear
that was crushed, a 5x5 pulley on which half the center spar
was broken off, a beam with gobs of glue/epoxy on the ends,
various Technic figure appendages, some broken off, some
just separated, etc.  I also found some parts which, AFAIK,
are not even LEGO, which makes them "defective" by
definition, I guess.  ;-)  I'm disappointed that someone thought
these parts were worthy of trading into a Jambalaya box.
If these parts were in my collection, I would throw them away,
but I couldn't bring myself to take them as part of my trade
just to throw them away, so I separated some of the more
obvious "defects" into another bag, labelled "junk."  What I
traded into the box was brand-new, never-been-used,
still-in-the-perforated-bag parts (about 180 Technic chain
links).  While trading brand-new parts is certainly not
required, I definitely think the Jambalaya boxes should
not be used as a dumping ground for "defective" parts.

Mark Haye, haye (at) us (dot) ibm (dot) com
IBM TSM Server Development, Tucson, AZ

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Technic Box #1 update
Thanks for the update Mark. I felt the same way when I had the box and saw the broken bits. Thanks for taking the time to seperate them into another bag and doing such a fine job with the packaging (I'm sure Larry would be proud). I actually did'nt (...) (25 years ago, 26-Feb-00, to
  Re: Technic Box #1 update
(...) I received the box yesterday. I'll try go through it, and get it out as soon as a can... Ken (25 years ago, 3-Mar-00, to

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