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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / 9262
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Re: FS: 24x43 rare extra large grey technic hubs and tyres
Sun, 3 Dec 2000 07:39:38 GMT
921 times
It's a moot point now as one fellow bought all 16 wheels with free tyres or tyres
with free wheels.

Mark H.

Ran wrote:

In, Larry Pieniazek writes:

Dan may need to enhance Brickbay to allow required linkages between items.
Listing then under just hubs misses the tyre wanting folks and vice versa.

But how often is that really a problem?  If someone wants only the tyres,  are
they likely to allow themselves to be "forced" to buy the wheels,  too?  It
seems to me that that's probably going to be the case only when the tyres are
rare,  and such a buyer is likely to look extra hard for them.  Especially
since there are a lot of people (like,  e.g.,  me) who do sell only sets.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: FS: 24x43 rare extra large grey technic hubs and tyres
(...) But how often is that really a problem? If someone wants only the tyres, are they likely to allow themselves to be "forced" to buy the wheels, too? It seems to me that that's probably going to be the case only when the tyres are rare, and such (...) (24 years ago, 3-Dec-00, to

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