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Re: Wheels and Tires from 5571 anyone?
Tue, 5 Jan 1999 06:20:50 GMT
828 times
Barry McFarland wrote:

So who's got the wheels and tires from 5571 for sale or trade?  I thought there
would be a rash of auctions or sales of parts from these.


I'm hoarding mine to see if I can do another chemical tanker or a
cracking tower with them. If I can't, they'll be on the block. I just
posted the chemical tanker I did with 5561 hubs to my freight cars page
if you're not sure what I am talking about.

Larry Pieniazek
For me: No voyager e-mail please. All snail-mail to Ada, please.
- Posting Binaries to RTL causes flamage... Don't do it, please.
- Stick to the facts when posting about others, please.
- This is a family newsgroup, thanks.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Wheels and Tires from 5571 anyone?
Excellent hopper, Larry. Nice use of the wall sections. Steve Larry Pieniazek wrote: [snip] (...) | LEGO: TO++++1(6542) TR+++2(4554) TC+++3(8880) Columbus OH | MT+(5590) MOC+ #+ S++ LS++ M+ YB61m (26 years ago, 5-Jan-99, to

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  Wheels and Tires from 5571 anyone?
Ok. So who's got the wheels and tires from 5571 for sale or trade? I thought there would be a rash of auctions or sales of parts from these. Barry (26 years ago, 5-Jan-99, to

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