Scott Smallbeck wrote:
> "Erin Windross" <dwindross@pacificcoast.net> wrote in message
> news:FrFL5s.FvF@lugnet.com...
> >
> > Nope, I own this set and they are GREY with BLACK inserts for bars.
> You are correct indeed!!! I have set #6398. They are black with gray bars
> in this set.
> My mistake.
And on top of that, the police van has two more, so the set has a total
of 4... I think there is another police station with grey train windows
(yea, looks like 6332, but there may be one more).
Frank Filz
Work: mailto:ffilz@us.ibm.com (business only please)
Home: mailto:ffilz@mindspring.com
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| | Re: Train windows
| "Erin Windross" <dwindross@pacificcoast.net> wrote in message news:FrFL5s.FvF@lugnet.com... (...) You are correct indeed!!! I have set #6398. They are black with gray bars in this set. My mistake. _ _ Scott Smallbeck scotts@contactics.com (25 years ago, 14-Mar-00, to lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade)
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