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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / 13984
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BRICK Direct Newsletter
Thu, 23 May 2002 14:53:16 GMT
850 times
LEGO Fans,

I’m pleased to announce that our website has been updated with new products,
faq’s, payment options, increased site security (128 bits secure, the same
as many financial institutions), and a discount coupon.

We have several new products added to our website including sets from the
Star Wars Episode II series. Go to our website, to check
out our newest items.  We will updating new products on a regular basis, as
we will have many new items to come, so please check back often to see what
we have in stock for you.

More payment options are available again!  You may process your order with
any of 4 major credit cards: VISA, MasterCard, America Express, or Discover.
We will continue to have PayPal payment as an option.

Visit our webpage to obtain your online coupon.  Receive a $5 discount for
any order $25 or greater (cost of shipping not included in total). Use your
coupon key at checkout.  Coupon is valid through May 31, 2002.

Your Coupon Key:

Stop by and check our website.  If you have any questions or need
assistance, just let us know.  Thank you again for your business.

Chris Layton
BRICK Direct

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