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 Marketplace / Brick Shops / 1735 (-20)
  Re: 25% OFF any single lot SALE @ Troy's Surplus
I have ended this sale early. Check my store for the new sale, or wait until I post the new sale announcement! Troy (17 years ago, 21-Oct-07, to
  30% off everything at (bump!)
Sale at! Everything 30% off! Tons of stuff has sold out already, especially Old Light Gray, and 9v stuff! Keep an eye out for updates and new items! Sets 30% off! Parts 30% off! Minifigs 30% off! Instructions 30% off! Gear (...) (17 years ago, 20-Oct-07, to  
  25% OFF any single lot SALE @ Troy's Surplus
I am just about caught up with my backlog (10 more orders to go!) and need some money, so it is SALE time again! 25% off ANY single lot order in my store! This includes ALL item types (Parts, Sets, Minifigs, Instructions, Gear)! I have listed tons (...) (17 years ago, 19-Oct-07, to
  Still 30% off at!
Sale at! Everything 30% off! Tons of stuff has sold out already, especially Old Light Gray, and 9v stuff! Keep an eye out for updates and new items! Sets 30% off! Parts 30% off! Minifigs 30% off! Instructions 30% off! Gear (...) (17 years ago, 10-Oct-07, to
  Now 30% off at!
Sale at! Everything 30% off! Tons of stuff has sold out already, especially Old Light Gray, and 9v stuff! Keep an eye out for updates and new items! Sets 30% off! Parts 30% off! Minifigs 30% off! Instructions 30% off! Gear (...) (17 years ago, 5-Oct-07, to  
  25% off sale at continues!
Sale at! Everything 25% off! Sets 25% off! Parts 25% off! Minifigs 25% off! Instructions 25% off! Gear 25% off! (URL) you have a coupon, use it! Lower lot orders will be processed faster, but I'll (...) (17 years ago, 28-Sep-07, to  
  25% off sale at!
Sale at! Everything 25% off! Sets 25% off! Parts 25% off! Minifigs 25% off! Instructions 25% off! Gear 25% off! (URL) you have a coupon, use it! Lower lot orders will be processed faster, but I'll (...) (17 years ago, 25-Sep-07, to  
  Re: Wehadababyitsagirl SALE at Missing Brick!!
(...) Wow, great news Paul. Congrats. Janey "Bring out the duplo, Red Brick" (17 years ago, 14-Sep-07, to, FTX)
  Wehadababyitsagirl SALE at Missing Brick!!
A am happy to annouce the Wehadababyitsagirl sale! Mom, baby, brother, sister and myself are all doing great! To celebrate (and to make use of my time in between naps...), I will run the following sale from now till Sunday night: Get 25% off any (...) (17 years ago, 14-Sep-07, to, FTX)
  Re: BrickForge Cows, Sheep & Pigs Available
Thanks for the great review guys! (...) Yes, this is due to the fact that sometimes the halves go together easier than others. After you put together a few dozen your hands start getting tired. We're looking into utilizing grips or a press to solve (...) (17 years ago, 13-Sep-07, to, FTX)
  Re: 25% OFF any sigle lot @ Troy's Surplus LEGO
Just a reminder that this sale is still going on until tomorrow night! Don't miss out! If you have already placed an order, and it has shipped, feel free to order again! Thanks, Troy Troy's Surplus LEGO (URL) (18 years ago, 10-Sep-07, to
  Re: BrickForge Cows, Sheep & Pigs Available
(...) Word to that! I just received my menagerie from BrickForge in the mail today! My epigrammatic review goes thusly: The teats are udderly fantastic; The cows are mooey bueno; The sheep are shear perfection; And I am sow happy with my 3 little (...) (18 years ago, 8-Sep-07, to, FTX)
  Re: BrickForge Cows, Sheep & Pigs Available
Hey all, While selling some overstock to a friend yesterday I had the pleasure of looking over these items as he'd brought a bag with him. I was very impressed with the quality of molding. Some of the cows had small gaps between parts, but a little (...) (18 years ago, 7-Sep-07, to, FTX)
  Re: 25% OFF any sigle lot @ Troy's Surplus LEGO
The sale is going well, with over 20 orders so far, and many hundreds of dollars in savings for buyers! Don't forget to use the "code" above so that I know to apply the discount to your order. If you are interested in more than one high value lot I (...) (18 years ago, 7-Sep-07, to
  25% OFF any sigle lot @ Troy's Surplus LEGO
Since this sale worked so well last time, I have decided to run it again! Except this time, I will run it on ALL ITEMS at the same time and will run it longer so that more people have time to see the announcements before it is over! So, 25% off ANY (...) (18 years ago, 6-Sep-07, to
  Re: BrickForge Cows, Sheep & Pigs Available
(...) Awesome!!! Just placed my order. Thanks guys. Looking forward to getting my animals in. Janey "Red Brick" (18 years ago, 3-Sep-07, to, FTX)
  Re: BrickForge Cows, Sheep & Pigs Available
(...) Woo-hoo! Congrats, Kyle! I've already placed my order:-) To all: I saw these prototypes at Brickworld, and they are as if TLG made them themselves! (unsoliticited testimonial) JOHN (18 years ago, 3-Sep-07, to, FTX)
  BrickForge Cows, Sheep & Pigs Available
The new BrickForge animals are here and available for purchase through our (URL) website>. We did our best to retain the charm and features of our classic counterparts such as beveled edges, 1x2 functionality on our cows and 1x1 back stud on our (...) (18 years ago, 3-Sep-07, to, FTX) !! 
  All parts at least 25% off at Bucy's Brick
Hello, I have marked down almost everything in my shop to start getting rid of my inventory. Everything is marked down at least 25%. Select parts are 35% off. See my splash page for details! Thanks and enjoy shopping!! John (URL) (18 years ago, 22-Aug-07, to
  25% OFF any single SET lot @ Troys Surplus LEGO
Troy's Surplus LEGO is offering everyone the opportunity to purchase any single SET lot for 25% off regular price! All SETS are eligible for this sale. How to participate: Place an order for 1 SET lot and 1 SET lot only. A "lot" is any quantity of a (...) (18 years ago, 20-Aug-07, to  

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