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 Marketplace / Brick Shops / 1413
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Re: suspended Bricklink shops
Tue, 24 Aug 2004 17:35:21 GMT
183 times
In, Scott Arthur wrote:
I'm not counting, but I'm aware of a {lot} of posts which say Dan was
correct. I'd also suggest that there will be a lot of BL users who are
indifferent to the mess Larry has got himself in. A further group is probably
unaware (despite Larry’s efforts) of what has occurred. Within that context,
I’m not sure how relevant your point is.

Hey, that's true-- but what you're also not counting are the number of posts
that are favoring Larry. And that's my point about bad press. There are people
out there who (if things like this continue) who will abandon BL. Heck, on the
BL boards I saw a seller saying that they WERE going to leave BL, and that was
before all this hubub on Lugnet even started. The point isn't that some people
don't care, it's that some people DO.

His call, but hey, if he
doesn't make what I personally would consider to be a good effort, or makes
rash decisions, I'll think less of him, and be more likely as a customer to
abandon BL.

Personalities aside, do you not agree that dealing swiftly and decisively
with “malicious” intend may actually improve buyer/seller confidence in the

I was about to say 'yes', but then I noticed the word 'decisively'. I hate that
word. Administrators who are overly decisive are occasionally awful because they
won't change their mind when they're wrong-- to nurse their bruised ego, they'll
continue to do what's wrong, and stand by their convictions.

All in all, 'swiftly' is generally good because it indicates that the
administration is aware of problems more readily and they're more in touch with
the system. Similarly it means that problems won't get ignored, so that's a good
thing. 'Consistancy' would also be good, insofar as if Larry's banned for a
minor violation, so should everyone else who's done similarly. 'Decisive' is
often only as good as the mind making the decision, and usually, it's a good
thing-- but I'd also like to stress the importance of 'open-mindedness', so
decisions made too quickly can be easily reversed later when more information is

Hence, someone who makes quick decisions badly would actually REDUCE customer
confidence in the system, but someone who makes quick decisions well would
definitely increase customer confidence. The real question is what's better?
Quick/bad decisions, or slow/good decisions?[1]


[1] "From now on there's 3 ways to do things: The right way, the wrong way, and
the Max Power way!"
"Isn't that just the wrong way?"
"Yes, but FASTER!"

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: suspended Bricklink shops
(...) I shall need time to think about that. ;) scott A (21 years ago, 24-Aug-04, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: suspended Bricklink shops
(...) I'm not counting, but I'm aware of a lot of posts which say Dan was correct. I'd also suggest that there will be a lot of BL users who are indifferent to the mess Larry has got himself in. A further group is probably unaware (despite Larry’s (...) (21 years ago, 24-Aug-04, to,, FTX)

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