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 Marketplace / Auctions / 790
    Re: Jasper's Auction: First announcement. 4558, town, and Futuron. —Larry Pieniazek
    (...) So is the numbering, we have two 4s and two 5s ... :-) Must have been necessary, eh? (...) That one was more complete, but was in pretty good shape, I felt, for a used set, so the winner here would get a pretty good train. (26 years ago, 28-Feb-99, to
        Re: Jasper's Auction: First announcement. 4558, town, and Futuron. —Jasper Janssen
   (...) *shrug* You'd think I'd know better by now than to start auctions with stuff written later than 10 pm :) (...) Umm, yeah, the _quality_ is better, the completeness obviously isn't. ;) Jasper (26 years ago, 28-Feb-99, to

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