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 Marketplace / Auctions / 7575
7574  |  7576
RE: EBAY Listing Fee Increases - Anti-LEGO?
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 03:56:37 GMT
807 times
In, Jon Kozan writes:
bids on lots starting under $10 by 20%, whereas other opening • bid listings are
only increasing 10%.

Which makes me wonder...  are they trying to reduce the number
of "lets list it
for 25-cents and take whatever we get" type of auctions (many of

I think you guys are making this way too difficult. My guess: they
decided to implement a 10% increase. 10% of .25 is only 2.5 cents,
which doesn't make for a nice round number. Rather than leave it at
.25 they raised it to .30. How many people who will carelessly list
items at .25 will suddenly drop all auctions for an extra nickel a


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: EBAY Listing Fee Increases - Anti-LEGO?
This increase will not discourage people from listing. If it does discourage people from listing, then there will not be as much items up for bid, so then the person who did list item(s) will reap the benefit of more bids on their auction(s), which (...) (24 years ago, 17-Jan-01, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: EBAY Listing Fee Increases - Anti-LEGO?
(...) <snip> Which makes me wonder... are they trying to reduce the number of "lets list it for 25-cents and take whatever we get" type of auctions (many of which get no bids) ar do they view this portion of the market as having the highest return (...) (24 years ago, 17-Jan-01, to,

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