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 Marketplace / Auctions / 1903
1902  |  1904
Re: "spring cleaning" auction
Thu, 8 Jul 1999 20:12:42 GMT
528 times
Todd Lehman wrote:

In, Julie Krenz writes:
Just wondering how the plans for this auction are coming along :-)

Almost ready to post a preliminary list of sets.  Most of the work for it
right now is figuring out which of the opened sets are complete or possibly
missing pieces.  I'll probably shove that on the back burner and just start
it with the totally-sealed boxes, adding the others later.

I have about 100-150 brand-new LEGO sets sets (I forgot to count) and
someone else has another 350 or so second-hand LEGO sets, and we're
combining the two auctions into one mega-auction of somewhere around
500 LEGO sets.


Stay tuned here for more details...


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: "spring cleaning" auction
(...) Ok, I have a count now. If nothing disappears from the list before the auction goes up, there'll be 505 LEGO sets in the auction. I think that might qualify as the LEGO set auction of the century. :) --Todd (26 years ago, 8-Jul-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: "spring cleaning" auction
(...) Almost ready to post a preliminary list of sets. Most of the work for it right now is figuring out which of the opened sets are complete or possibly missing pieces. I'll probably shove that on the back burner and just start it with the (...) (26 years ago, 8-Jul-99, to

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