Event: DixieLUG Date: August 23, 2003 Time: 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM Place: Johns Apartment (email John for directions) Contacts: John Riley, Jason Whittenburg
Southern AFOLs,
Come one, Come all, to DixieLUG August Meeting. Well be meeting at the home of
John Riley in Atlanta, GA (near GA:Tech). Food is TBD, but chances are pizza.
Topics: Brickfest was fun, Chris builds big ships, Can mindstorms really fly,
Keeping this thing going, More freaking moonbases, Your MOCs, and MORE!
John asks that you email him for directions.
If you want to partisipate in the part out action, remember to
vote on the set for
everyone to bring.
Message has 2 Replies:  | | DixieLUG August Meeting is TODAY!!!
| Event: DixieLUG Date: August 23, 2003 Time: 1:00 PM - 5:30 PM Place: John's Apartment (<mailto:rohnjiley@yahoo.com email John for directions>) Contacts: <mailto:rohnjiley@yahoo.com John Riley>, <mailto:jason@dixielug.org Jason Whittenburg> Southern (...) (22 years ago, 23-Aug-03, to lugnet.org.us.dixielug, lugnet.loc.us.ga, lugnet.loc.us.ga.atl, lugnet.loc.us.tn, lugnet.loc.us.tn.cha, lugnet.loc.us.al, FTX)
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