Re: Lego Fest
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 10:06:24 GMT
2223 times
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In, Duncan Titmarsh writes:
> It looks like most people want to do the March Date.I have just rung the
> Lady the 22 has been booked by someone else.So the date will now be a week
> later on the 29th March.I hope you can all make that date.I will be going
> down to have another look at the hall to see how many tables are there to use.
> I have had about 12 people respond so far,so If you are thinking of joining
> us then please let me know.
> Cost will be around £5.00 but that will depend on numbers.I will provide
> something for dinner rolls etc.
> I do have some floor space at my house on the friday for those who are
> travelling and need somewhere to rest their head.
> More details to follow.
Ed Alliston told me you were planning this. Count me in.
Jason J Railton
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Lego Fest
| It`s on. The hall has now been booked for the 29 March from 9am to 6pm. So get building. Duncan (22 years ago, 21-Jan-03, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Lego Fest
| In, Huw Millington writes: It looks like most people want to do the March Date.I have just rung the Lady the 22 has been booked by someone else.So the date will now be a week later on the 29th March.I hope you can all make that date.I (...) (22 years ago, 20-Jan-03, to
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