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Re: Lego Fest
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 10:06:24 GMT
2223 times
In, Duncan Titmarsh writes:
It looks like most people want to do the March Date.I have just rung the
Lady the 22 has been booked by someone else.So the date will now be a week
later on the 29th March.I hope you can all make that date.I will be going
down to have another look at the hall to see how many tables are there to use.
I have had about 12 people respond so far,so If you are thinking of joining
us then please let me know.
Cost will be around £5.00 but that will depend on numbers.I will provide
something for dinner rolls etc.
I do have some floor space at my house on the friday for those who are
travelling and need somewhere to rest their head.
More details to follow.

Ed Alliston told me you were planning this.  Count me in.

Jason J Railton

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Lego Fest
It`s on. The hall has now been booked for the 29 March from 9am to 6pm. So get building. Duncan (22 years ago, 21-Jan-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Lego Fest
In, Huw Millington writes: It looks like most people want to do the March Date.I have just rung the Lady the 22 has been booked by someone else.So the date will now be a week later on the 29th March.I hope you can all make that date.I (...) (22 years ago, 20-Jan-03, to

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