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 Local / United Kingdom / 8076 (-5)
  Re: The sidebar
(...) Does that comment refer just to No 5 or everything previous as well (if so it's not a logical answer to 1!)? (...) I'm going to leave the homepage with an explanation of what it is just for completeness. Otherwise I agree. I've done yours and (...) (23 years ago, 3-May-02, to
  Location (was Re: The sidebar)
(...) Probably. I'm at TL219085 which if I've understood the conversion correctly is 0d 14m E 51d 45m N Psi (23 years ago, 3-May-02, to
  Re: The sidebar
"Simon Bennett" <> wrote in message (...) it (...) question (...) makes (...) our (...) is a (...) 'members' page? (...) the (...) links to (...) Avery (...) now I (...) should I (...) if it's (...) (23 years ago, 3-May-02, to
  Re: The sidebar
(...) I assume the scale is arbitrary, rather than based on the OS Grid or Lat/Long. If you can do the translation, I'm at TL475196 = 0d 8m E 51d 51m N. This might be the same stud as Simon, at this scale. Chris (23 years ago, 3-May-02, to
  Re: The sidebar
Simon Bennett <> wrote in message <snip> (...) on (...) think (...) I prefer to think of it more as 'Areas of Lego related activity'. The red dots represent LLW and LSB. The yellow are (...) (23 years ago, 3-May-02, to

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