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  Thanks to Gael for Saturday's fest
The minifest on Saturday was a great one, Kenny and I want to thank Gael for his hospitality and excellent knowledge of local retail outlets. Also thanks to Jason for his bargain hunting skills and general hardcore attitude, which we could all learn (...) (23 years ago, 28-Apr-02, to
  Re: The NGLTC LEGO collection just got bigger.....
"James J. Trobaugh" <> wrote in message (...) Sorry, no. A bunch of us has a behind the scenes tour of LLW and we talked about old model disposal. Of course, this rapidly turned into a discussion about (...) (23 years ago, 28-Apr-02, to
  Re: The NGLTC LEGO collection just got bigger.....
Was it a discussion on LUGNET? I'll have to search for the thread. jt (...) (23 years ago, 28-Apr-02, to
  Re: NBLTC Second meeting
"Lawrence Wilkes" <> wrote in message (...) today (...) Thinking about this, it is possible (probable?) that LLW could be persuaded to provide a whole bunch of tables themselves if we did an (...) (23 years ago, 28-Apr-02, to
  Re: NBLTC Second meeting
"Jonathan Reynolds" <> wrote in message (...) with (...) heights (...) British (...) accomplished.... (...) I guess people with bigger cars (like my Honda Shuttle) could build double-sized (...) (23 years ago, 28-Apr-02, to

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