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  Woolworths & Harry Potter
My local Woolworths (Glasgow) has currently got a "Buy one, get one half-price" deal on all Harry Potter Lego, which I'm assuming will be a nationwide offer. Not bad if you're wanting some of the bigger sets, and also worth noting that Woolies are (...) (23 years ago, 24-Apr-02, to, lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Lego the BBC and Sports Relief
(...) I had this, and probably several others here have too. The mail also gives a direct line number, but I was only going to copy the e-mail address here like Robin has. No dates either - I'll dig a bit for that. I may be dubbed a 'mad collector' (...) (23 years ago, 24-Apr-02, to
  Lego the BBC and Sports Relief
Hi, I had an email from which went along the lines of... " Wonder if you can help? I am looking for some Lego enthusiasts who would be interested in taking part in this years Comic Relief, which is called Sports Relief. (...) (23 years ago, 24-Apr-02, to
  Re: LSB: SW Ep II prices
(...) Well, Toys'R'Us seem to go with the Shop@Home price, but my local ASDA has the Jedi Duel and Tusken Raider Encounter (I like Jon's spelling, but they don't look Italian to me) for all of 3 pence cheaper. They've got the four story sets a few (...) (23 years ago, 24-Apr-02, to
  Re: Curating
(...) Nope, it doesn't work for me either. I can see past revisions for any of the sub pages I've created, though. I guess those are "FTX pages", so they work. TJ (23 years ago, 24-Apr-02, to, lugnet.admin.curators)

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