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Re: LegoLand Modelmakers Experience - photos from the 'behind the scenes' tour
Newsgroups:, lugnet.legoland.windsor, lugnet.general
Sun, 7 Apr 2002 22:45:09 GMT
4412 times
Great pictures.  LOL for this picture:
The guy in the orange shirt must be a plumber.

"Lawrence Wilkes" <> wrote in message
A wonderful day was had by all in Lego Heaven (wink, wink)

A group of UK AFOLs went on a behind the scenes tour of Legoland Windsor
on Sun 7th April 2002.
This was organised through Red Letter Days.

The agenda was as follows
1. presentation and talk by their chief model builder and one of his
2. guided talk through miniland explaining how some models were built
3. tour of the model workshop
4. tour of Lego Heaven
5. the opportunity to fill a large plastic bag from a vast assortment of
Lego, which included some rare bricks

I will put some mpeg videos up later in the week.

Anyone wanting a higher res image (1600x1200) please email me


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: LegoLand Modelmakers Experience - photos from the 'behind the scenes' tour
"Ken Godawa" <> wrote in message (...) I sure would have liked to take a crack at that pile of bricks. -Jon -- | The Galactic Shipyard - (URL) My Lego Creations - (URL) Attack of the Bricks - (URL) (23 years ago, 8-Apr-02, to, lugnet.legoland.windsor, lugnet.general)
  Re: LegoLand Modelmakers Experience - photos from the 'behind the scenes' tour
(...) Oh you gits! Someone photoshop that one out will you? Hell, I don't care. You should have seen the bricks I was picking up... Jason J Railton (23 years ago, 8-Apr-02, to, lugnet.legoland.windsor, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  LegoLand Modelmakers Experience - photos from the 'behind the scenes' tour
A wonderful day was had by all in Lego Heaven (wink, wink) A group of UK AFOLs went on a behind the scenes tour of Legoland Windsor on Sun 7th April 2002. This was organised through Red Letter Days. The agenda was as follows 1. presentation and talk (...) (23 years ago, 7-Apr-02, to, lugnet.legoland.windsor, lugnet.general)  

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