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Re: LegoLand Modelmakers Experience - photos from the 'behind the scenes' tour
Newsgroups:, lugnet.legoland.windsor, lugnet.general
Sun, 7 Apr 2002 20:12:43 GMT
4401 times
"Larry Pieniazek" <> wrote in message
In, Lawrence Wilkes writes:
A wonderful day was had by all in Lego Heaven (wink, wink) • snip

I recall during the organisation of this, there were some wondering if • it
would be worth it. Was it? Would you do it again or was once enough?

Let's say that certain aspects of the tour (which we are not at liberty
to discuss) made it the sort of event you would want to go on every

Overall, it was an excellent day out.
You wouldn't want to go again (in a hurry) as nothing much would
change - how they plan and build models, maintain the thempark, etc,
tour round the facilities, would be the same every time.

But certainly worth doing once.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LegoLand Modelmakers Experience - photos from the 'behind the scenes' tour
(...) I recall during the organisation of this, there were some wondering if it would be worth it. Was it? Would you do it again or was once enough? (23 years ago, 7-Apr-02, to, lugnet.legoland.windsor, lugnet.general)

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