Re: EP 1 sets at TRU (UK)
|, lugnet.starwars
Fri, 4 Jun 1999 17:01:45 GMT
931 times
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Colin <> wrote:
> If it had been any other theme than Star Wars I would probably think 7101
> was overpriced even at £4.99 - basically it's only two minifigs (Darth Maul
> and Qui-Gon Jinn) and a small amount of other bits.
[Warning: dullness alert!] I've done price-per-piece calculations for
the Star Wars E1 and Classic Lego, based on the best price in the UK and
the Lugnet piece counts. (Why don't European boxes have piece counts, anyway?)
The TRU prices are the best you'll get from what I've seen- plenty of
places are more expensive, so do shop around. There's no TRU here (yet)
and some of the sets are much more.
All of the released sets are between 7 and 11 pence per piece, the best
value(1) being the snowspeeder (7.1, 212pcs @ 14.99UKP) and the worst
the landspeeder (10.6, 47pcs @ 4.99UKP). 7101 is 10.0, btw.
If Ben Roger's [] prices for the last three
sets are right, the Pod Race set is only 7.8 pence per piece, but the
Sith Infiltrator is a whopping 15.2. Hmmm. Even so, the theme as a whole
compares pretty well with some of the other Lego on the shelves (like
the big UFO fibre optic set, which I got a half price (UKP 29.99) for 10
pence/piece) so I'd say they were pretty good value.
Erm, sorry about the long and rambling post. Hope no-one minds...
:: paul
:: slash. never back slash.
(1) if that's how you define value, of course (2)
(2) so I'm making a long post longer with footnotes. sheesh.
Message has 1 Reply:
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 | | Re: EP 1 sets at TRU (UK)
| I bought a 7101 (Lightsabre duel) at TRU in Southampton last Saturday, and it was £4.99 like you say, as opposed to the £6.49 in Beatties in Winchester and the £7 in The Entertainer. I bought a 7111 (Droid Starfighter) for £4.99 too, which I (...) (26 years ago, 3-Jun-99, to, lugnet.starwars)
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