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Re: How complete R U?
Tue, 18 May 1999 11:58:38 GMT
718 times
In, Huw Millington writes:
All the Blacktron 2 polybags?
As far as I can tell...yes! I had a thorough (sp?) search through Pause • and
Fibblesnork and couldn't find any B-II sets I didn't have.

What about 1692, the boxed version of 1462, which is not on Pause, (but is
on my space set database :-) )

Well, as I do not keep the package, 1462 = 1692 to me!

I considered myself post-classic space complete, having *all* the sets in my
database, until Grahame Reid told me about this one!

The db is at

Of all the sets that were regulairly available in the Netherlands, I own all
the sub-theme's, except the Mega/Magma Core Magnetizer (M:TRON)
I am currently on two quests:
1) all Classic Space (I do have all catalogues from 1981)
2) all other Space, including the US-onlies and the Special Promo's
I have found that a lot of the US-onlies were available in Europe as Promosets.

Mark "lots o' Lego" de Kock

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: How complete R U?
(...) That is not the case at all. The instructions do not have a dual-number on them therefore it must be considered a separate set. :-) Huw (26 years ago, 18-May-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: How complete R U?
(...) and (...) What about 1692, the boxed version of 1462, which is not on Pause, (but is on my space set database :-) ) I considered myself post-classic space complete, having *all* the sets in my database, until Grahame Reid told me about this (...) (26 years ago, 18-May-99, to

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