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Re: Cheshire Fest - Argh!
Wed, 31 Jan 2001 19:55:16 GMT
685 times
In, Mark Morgan writes:

Can I book a place in your car please Pete - I live about 10 minutes away from
Kingston near J12 of the M25.

No problem. Email me your details closer to the date and we can sort out
pick-ups and all that.

I went to LLW following your lead on the SW sales last week, and found that it
had shut until 10 March!  Suppose I should have phoned beforehand ;-(

Whoops! Forgot about that one. I nearly got sprung with LLB in a similar
way. My wife is taking me there for my birthday (bless her cotton socks) ,
and we were about to book the flights for that weekend (March 24/25) when by
chance I went to the website and discovered that it is shut until March 30.
Nice one!

Pete Callaway

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Cheshire Fest - Argh!
(...) Hi all, 3rd March sounds good to me too (couldn't make the 24th - off to find the elusive toy shop in France, although my partner does not yet know that!) Can I book a place in your car please Pete - I live about 10 minutes away from Kingston (...) (24 years ago, 27-Jan-01, to

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