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Re: Help wanted with old UK catalogue [long and contains most text/in fo from it.]
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.general
Thu, 3 Aug 2000 11:19:34 GMT
25 times
"Whytcross, Benjamin" <> wrote in message

I'm looking for some information on a catalogue I acquired yesterday in a
bunch of mixed parts from the 50's (?) to possibly the 80's. [Includes CA
bricks, I think]  The main information I'm after is what year the catalogue
was issued for, and what sets it was likely to have come with, or whether it
was a general release catalogue.

<< snip >>

How about you scan this puppy in for us to have a look at?

David Drew

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Help wanted with old UK catalogue [long and contains most text/in fo from it.]
(...) Well, okay... (URL) a warning, the images are 1-300 K each. I'll try and create smaller copies of the pictures tomorrow/over the weekend and post them, along with a 1969 range catalogue [8 pages, printed in the UK, no prices/country given...I (...) (25 years ago, 3-Aug-00, to,, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Help wanted with old UK catalogue [long and contains most text/in fo from it.]
I'm looking for some information on a catalogue I acquired yesterday in a bunch of mixed parts from the 50's (?) to possibly the 80's. [Includes CA bricks, I think] The main information I'm after is what year the catalogue was issued for, and what (...) (25 years ago, 3-Aug-00, to,, lugnet.general)

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