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Re: Good starting train set
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 19:32:35 GMT
571 times
Neil Ford wrote in message <>...
I know I probably should ask this question in lugnet.trains, but then
I'd get suggestions that were unavailable in the UK.  So I hope people
don't mind me asking here.

I'm looking to get into Trains, what would be a good set to start with?
I know that the only set generally available is the new Express one but
is there an older set I should look out for?

Trains are hard to find on the (loacl) used market. However, when you do
find one they are quite well looked after. Sets like the 4559 can be had for
~£50 or less. The good thing about the 4559 is that it is still quite cheap,
so it is easy(ish) to get extra carriages.

If you want a chaep/new set, if I were you I'd buy the 3225 (you'll need
track for this one) or 4565 or 4560 and a transformer (I can give you one
for ~£10) and start from there. The  4565 / 4560 can be had cheap on, for the  3225 speak to busy bee. I think of all these the
4565 is best value for money.

Everyone will tell you the 4558 is the one to get.... my one is still in the
post - I have no opinion on this yet. I have a 4551, which I am not very
impressed with.

Remember - you'll need track as the basic oval is just too small.

Scott A

I don't need anything fancy, just something I can set up in my office at
home and play with when I'm working (or not :-).

All suggestions gratefully received.


Message is in Reply To:
  Good starting train set
I know I probably should ask this question in lugnet.trains, but then I'd get suggestions that were unavailable in the UK. So I hope people don't mind me asking here. I'm looking to get into Trains, what would be a good set to start with? I know (...) (25 years ago, 17-Dec-99, to

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