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    Re: Do you ever wonder... —Allan Bedford
   (...) Sounds like we have three, maybe four already that would be interested in this. Should we start a new thread perhaps and see about organizing it? (...) Gerard... I hope you don't mind my asking, but maybe you can help me with a couple of Hobby (...) (22 years ago, 13-Apr-03, to
        Re: Do you ever wonder... —Gerard Steenbeek
    (...) yes definately, i can start one. Unless you start one while I am writing this. (...) a (...) more (...) Well i`m switching schools right now, and I don`t know which university will accept me and give me some credit for the work i have done. (...) (22 years ago, 14-Apr-03, to
        Hobby Show Clarifications (WAS:: Do you ever wonder...) —Allan Bedford
   (...) Thanks again for doing so. (...) Yes, that makes sense. My own bias was coming into play I think. I have already scheduled my holidays for that time. I guess I was thinking everyone can do that, but of course that's not true. (...) Yup... (...) (22 years ago, 14-Apr-03, to

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