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RE: Any HP sets in Canada?
Sat, 29 Sep 2001 23:36:42 GMT
114 times
Hello from Kitchener,

The local TRU had pretty well all of them ...train, castle, small sets, ...
must have had about 8 different sets.  I bought my two boys the small set
with the spinning wheel at Walmart in Kitchener...$9.86 Cdn.  Walmart had
the castle for $99 while TRU had the castle for $129.

I really didn't pay too much attention to the HP sets although they look
like they will be quite nice.  I was far too pleased with myself for finding
8549 Tarakava in the bargain bin at TRU for ....$4 Cdn.  When I got home I
counted the pieces...400 instead of the 401 listed on the box...just missing
the blue mask which my son will replace with his doubles.

I'm sure the HP sets will hit most of Walmart and TRU this week.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Any HP sets in Canada?
(...) From Edmonton, TRU had nothing yesterday, Walmart in Sherwood Park has Hogwarts, but nothing else yet. Can't talk, building. :) James (23 years ago, 30-Sep-01, to lugnet.harrypotter,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Any HP sets in Canada?
(...) I was there yesterday (27th), and nada. They did have 2 of the new green "Supercar", the 4X4 Off-Roader (Set 8466). Fairly cool, but I'll pass. Robin (23 years ago, 28-Sep-01, to lugnet.harrypotter,

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