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 Local / Australia / 7797
    Re: Got an RBR at TRU, QLD (and any other TLA's you can think of) —David Dallaston
   :0 Sorry if I've offended, I didn't mean to. Brad calls them "Imperial Armada", which is the name of the series apparently. According to Fibblesnork the older sets with red flags are "Imperial Guards", and the ones with the blue flags are (...) (23 years ago, 23-Nov-01, to
        Re: Got an RBR at TRU, QLD (and any other TLA's you can think of) —Brad Linsley
   (...) I'll try and email you by tomorrow. Regarding the names, I use whatever is in the brickbay catalog. -Brad (...) (23 years ago, 23-Nov-01, to

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