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Re: G'day
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 02:09:29 GMT
381 times
You can see the top of the pneumatic spring is attached to the technic
triangle (coat hanger).  When you push the door down, the bottom of the
triangle is pushed towards the beam, which then locks it in place.  When • you
push down on the lever, it pushes the triangle, freeing the spring.

This spring is broken in a lot of the 8448 sets. I wonder if that might
cause the problem. In my case, the gull wing doors would not open with the
broken spring. If that is the proble,,. Lego Australia know all about the
broken spring problem, and if you phone them on their 1800 customer number,
they will send replacements to you free.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: G'day
(...) Hi John. (...) There is no problem with it James, he just wants to know how it works. Mine is disassembled now, but if you look at this picture: (URL) can see the top of the pneumatic spring is attached to the technic triangle (coat hanger). (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jul-01, to

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